Get ready for a great boating season with these engine maintenance lists

We asked one of our tenants, Tom Siilence from B Marine, for his top engine maintenance hints for your boat engines.

Make sure you give one of our onsite mechanics a call for all your engine service needs, and have a great trouble free time on the water!

General checklist

Before starting general checks that are very worthwhile:
1) Lift engine hatch or hatch to bilge area to check for anything out of the ordinary, especially fuel leaks.
2) Check engine fluids regularly, engine oil, power steering and gearbox. Also check the engine coolant if applicable.
3) If fuel pre-filters are fitted with see through bowls check for fuel contamination. Especially water. These filters are very worth having if not already installed.
4) Run engine with engine hatch or engine cowling covers off before setting off to check engine operation and for water and fuel leaks.
5) Check operation of bilge pumps and automatic float switches
6) Check all safety gear is intact and current

General maintenance advice for the year
1) Yearly servicing at 12 month or 100hr intervals whichever comes first.
2) For older generation engines, 6 monthly checks recommended.
3) Battery maintenance and checks recommended.
4) Regularly start and run your engine, generators etc as this will prevent issues.
5) Keep engine bay and bilge area as dry as possible as this will help prevent corrosion issues.

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