
White Bay 6 Marine Park is dedicated to maintaining a safe and healthy environment.

Our goal is to ensure that everyone who comes to our facility understands the safety and environmental risk of the work that is being undertaken. We have created an online site induction to be completed by anyone conducting work at White Bay 6. The online site induction can be found here ONLINE INDUCTIONand should take approximately 30 minutes.

To complete the induction you will need to confirm you have provided your insurances directly to White Bay 6 Marine Park (email: or through the marine card website (

The required insurances include

You will also need electronic copies of any relevant licenses and permits (if applicable) and your Safe Work Method Statement or Job Hazard Analysis. An example of a complete Safe Work Method Statement, and the actual form, can be downloaded from the Online Inductions dashboard.

** Important notification – use of Elevated Work Platfoms.

This notification is to let you know that as part of a recent compliance review, at 1 January 2024 a valid certificate recognising competency to operate an Elevated Work Platform will be required before an EWP may be operated at White Bay 6 Marine Park.  This includes use of EWPs under 11 metres.

Further information on this training which is the nationally recognised unit of competency is at the link below .

Yellow Card QLD – EWP Licence Under 11m – Scissor Lift Ticket: NSW | Pinnacle Safety and Training

Please be aware that there will be no exceptions to this rule.

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