“In recent times, Club Marine has seen a marked increase in the number of incidents of fires on petrol-fuelled craft, most notably in board powered ski boats. The fires generally begin in or around the engine and are almost universally caused by leaking fuel and the resultant build-up of explosive petrol vapours. Overwhelmingly, the incidents are linked to older craft, typically boats that have ageing automotive engines that may have been modified or otherwise tinkered with by the owners or non-authorised technicians over the years. The cumulative effect of their efforts can have disastrous outcomes, as we’ve recently seen. Petrol-fuelled boat engines have very specific requirements when it comes to fuel systems and safety procedures and need to be regularly maintained and inspected by experienced marine technicians, who know where the trouble spots are and how to deal with them…
“Sergeant McDonald stressed the need for proper maintenance carried out by properly trained and experienced marine technicians and that boat owners should be aware of the potential trouble spots on their own craft and to keep an eye on them accordingly.”